Tuesday 28 August 2012


From: g87
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 8:42 AM

Inverted cliches
In claiming ignorance of Eric Butler being eschewed by mainstream Australia of all political, religious shades as being persona -non grata at best, Adrian Kelleher Letters 28/8 uses the Manuel classical argument of ignorance: 'I know nothing.'

Devoid of the comic genious / innocence of Fawlty Towers, of course.

I can think of a number of scenarios whereby Butler would serve.

Too many.

  1. He decided to cloak himself with the Patriotic defence; perhaps to blind useful supporters and like - minded extremists.
  2. He was indeed 'big' on queen - and - country: and indeed used the patriotic defence all his life. [Refer to Samuel Johnson famous quote about rogues and patriots.] He decided that the above risk was worth the 1% risk of an early demise.
  3. Pressure to serve for those eligible? How would it look for a man with his views to have exposed himself to the criticism of trying to avoid National Service?
Waving the gun around strikes me as a reasonable synopsis.
Geoff Seidner
East St Kida

Samuel Johnson's political views - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the evening of 7 April 1775, he made the famous statement, "Patriotism is the ...The last of these pamphlets, Taxation No Tyranny (1775), was a defence of ...

know nothing! - Fawlty Towers - BBC- YouTube

Eric Butler's service

  • The Australian 
  • August 28, 2012 12:00AM

  • I DON'T know what Eric Butler's political opinions were, nor do I know what he believed in. But I do know one thing for certain: any man who has risked his life in defence of the freedoms that I enjoy as an Australian citizen is worthy of my respect.
    For Phillip Adams to denigrate Eric Butler's military service as merely "waving a gun around" is disgraceful.
    Adrian Kelleher, Shepparton, Vic


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